Study the internal arts of
Today, the internal arts of China are widely practised throughout the world, but unfortunately much has become watered-down and over-simplified, especially in the West. One example is the art of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) which is often seen as just slow graceful exercises to help you feel relaxed. This is fine if that is all you want. However, Taijiquan is so much more. It is a deep and profound art that works on a number of levels. Most people already know of its health benefits, but it is also a martial art and a self-cultivation system, and at very high levels a path to spiritual development.
If you are drawn to the deeper aspects of these wonderful arts then you need to find an authentic lineage. However, finding such a lineage to bring about real transformation is not that easy. Having trust in the teacher and the lineage is everything as far as i’m concerned: you can waste a lot of time searching, as there are many dead ends and glass ceilings on the path. Using predominantly philosophical and esoteric Daoist theory and practice (Not religious Daoism), Lotus Nei Gong is an authentic way, and is concerned with keeping the lineage alive to the highest standard. It was established by Laoshr Damo Mitchell to preserve and pass on many lost aspects of these arts and restore them to their original depth.
Nei Gong is an over-riding term to describe a process of change or transformation, rather than a set of exercises. It gives us clear stages to follow in otherwise confusing and hidden arts. Qi Gong and Dao Yin are studied within this process rather like a set of tools for a particular job to bring about transformation.
Successful change is only possible by firstly developing the foundation, the physical body. The Daoists were very pragmatic and believed that first you had to make the body strong and healthy before you could move further through the more intangible stages of development. If I had to use one word to describe our school it would be foundations!
It’s important to study the theory of these arts alongside the practical. We should keep learning as we age, not stop once we leave education. Your understanding of a subject that you are studying should develop over time. You are constantly moving along the path so what you knew or did yesterday should be different tomorrow: the only constant is change. The character of the Dao, can be translated as a person walking along a path. These arts are to me the path, as they take us along the journey that is life.
Classically for a balanced understanding you followed the three-fold path of Warrior, Healer, Priest. We may start with learning an external fighting system such as Shaolin, then move onto an internal art like Taijiquan. As we age we study Chinese Medicine, then move deeper into philosophy and meditation. Alongside learning fighting skills it was common to study painting, poetry or calligraphy, with the intention of developing a balanced individual. The internal arts of China, when practised with the correct intent, refine the body and mind.

My name is Neil Michael Lodge and I am the teacher of the Lotus Nei Gong Cardiff branch. On this site you'll find a brief overview of the material I currently teach such as Taijiquan, Nei Gong, Qi Gong, Dao Yin following this tradition. Most of the terminology is Daoist but there will be some Buddhist thought intertwined somewhere.
Please have a read of the site and see if the ethos of the school is for you. If you are viewing this on a mobile please note this is a simplified version of the site.
"He who is not free of desire and attachment will only encounter the outer expressions of the world"
Dao De Jing